« SoniTravel Medical » Agency is interested in providing the most important and finest types of medical services to its valued clients.
Through the consultation process and picturesthatyouwillsend, our plastic surgeon and medical team willanalyze the shape and projection of your body to perform the mostproper combination of operations to acquire the mostaestheticappearance to meetyourdemands
Operation type
Abdominoplasty + Vaser liposuction HD (3 areas) + BBL
Stay in Istanbul: 7 Days : 6 nightsincludingHospital stay: 2 nights
Medical information
Vaser Liposuction, Fluidswillbeinjectedwithnarcotic substances in the area where the fat is to bedissolved. Thensmallopenings are made around the area where fat islocatedwith a diameter of onlyhalf a centimeter (not a big incision) for targeted areas, then the Vaser tube isinserted to break the fat withultrasoundwithoutaffecting the bloodvessels. In the same time, itstimulatescollagen, whichhelps to tighten the skin in an excellent manner. Then the inserted tube whichisconnected to the suctiondevicetakes out the fat whichwasbroken and dissolvedveryeasily
ThenAbdominoplasty, the fatty tissue under the skin isremoved and the abdominal muscles are fixedfrom the inside. This surgeryisperformedundergeneralanesthesiawhere the incision is made along the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles and abdominal wall are thentightened by internalsewingalong the abdomen in the middle whichisdone in order to get a flat, tightbellyinstead of a flabby and round belly. Thenremoveexcess skin and fat, fix the navel again and sew the incision
Finally, the removed fat willbeprepared and treated to beinjectedinto the buttocks area in order to getithigher, fuller and rounderwith an hourglassshape(BBL)Brazilian Butt Lifting
Through the consultation process and picturesthatyouwillsend, our plastic surgeon and medicalteamwillanalyze the shape and projection of your body to perform the mostproper combination of operations to acquire the mostaestheticappearance to meetyourdemands
Operation type
Abdominoplasty + Vaser liposuction (3 areas) + Gynecomastia
Stay in Istanbul: 7 Days : 6 NightsIncludingHospital stay: 1 night
Medical information
Vaser Liposuction, Fluidswillbeinjectedwithnarcotic substances in the area where the fat is to bedissolved. Thensmallopenings are made around the area where fat islocatedwith a diameter of onlyhalf a centimeter (not a big incision) for targeted areas, then the Vaser tube isinserted to break the fat withultrasoundwithoutaffecting the bloodvessels. In the same time, itstimulatescollagen, whichhelps to tighten the skin in an excellent manner. Then the inserted tube whichisconnected to the suctiondevicetakes out the fat whichwasbroken and dissolvedveryeasily
ThenAbdominoplasty, the fatty tissue under the skin isremoved and the abdominal muscles are fixedfrom the inside. This surgeryisperformedundergeneralanesthesiawhere the incision is made along the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles and abdominal wall are thentightened by internalsewingalong the abdomen in the middle whichisdone in order to get a flat, tightbellyinstead of a flabby and round belly. Thenremoveexcess skin and fat, fix the navel again and sew the incision
FinallywithGynecomastia, few small incisions. Theymaybeunderyourarms, aroundyournipples, or to the side of yourchest, depending on youranatomy and yoursurgeon’s technique.Once the extra breast tissue isremoved, your surgeon will close the incisions withstitches and may place surgical drain tubes near the incision, to preventfluidbuild-up as youheal
The Information needed
Full Name
If you have that or anotheroperationbefore
If yousufferanypermenantillness or takepermenantmedicine
Best date to tavel and have the operation
Operation Details:
Through the consultation process and picturesthatyouwillsend, our plastic surgeon and medicalteamwillanalyze the shape and projection of your body to perform the mostproper combination of operations to acquire the mostaestheticappearance to meetyourdemand
Operation type:
Breast Augmentation (Round silicone implant)
Stay in Istanbul: 7 Days : 6 Nightsincluding Hospital stay: 1 night
Medical information:
We’reusingdifferent sizes and shapes, the treatmentwillbedoneunder full anesthesia, soyouwon’tbe feeling any pain. ThroughBreast Augmentation, The implant willbelocatedunder the breast muscles, whichgivesyou a more natural look and shape
The surgeon will insert the breast implant with the shape and size thatwillbediscussed and agreedupon in the real life examination to give the best aesthetic look for the breastssuitable and adjacent with the body figure, beforeclosing the incisions withstitches, tissue adhesive, or surgical tape. Yourbreastswillbewrapped in gauze bandages and supported by a surgicalbra
Through the consultation process and pictures that you will send, our plastic surgeon and medical team will analyze the shape and projection of your body to perform the most proper combination of operations to acquire the most aesthetic appearance to meet your demands
Operation type
Breast lift
Stay in Istanbul:7 Days : 6 Nights – Hospital stay:1 night
Medical information
Through Mastopexy, the surgeon will use the best way to make the incision according the real life examination. As the surgeon lift and reshape your breasts, they’ll layer sutures to support the deeper tissue. They’ll reposition your nipple higher on chest wall muscle, balance the size of the breasts and may reduce the size of your areola to give the best aesthetic look for the breasts suitable and adjacent with the body figure, before closing the incisions with stitches, tissue adhesive, or surgical tape. Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze bandages and supported by a surgical bra
Our Dentists and medicalteamwillanalyze the shape, projection, and condition of yourmouth and teeth’sappearance to perform the mostproper technique to acquire the mostaestheticappearance to meetyourdemandsthrough the consultation process and physicalexamination. Also, smoking affects the operationnegatively. Therefore, avoid smoking before the operation and afterit.
Medical information
Your Hollywood smilewillbedoneusingZirconium crowns, as yourteethneedsstraightening and color fixing. Zirconium crowns are made of Zirconium dioxide of a German manufacturer, a very durable type of materialthat’srelated to titanium, they are strong, permanent and resistcolor change
Appearance of Zirconium allows for the perfecttoothcoloringthat best matches the patient’snaturaltoothcolor, betterthan gold or porcelain crowns
Wewillneedyou in Istanbul for 7 days
24 Zirconium crowns:
(12 for the upperjaw12 + for the lowerjaw )
Our Doctors and medicalteamwillanalyze the shape, projection, and condition of yourmouth and teeth’sappearance to perform the mostproper technique to acquire the mostaestheticappearance to meetyourdemandsthrough the consultation process and physicalexamination. Also, smoking affects the operationnegatively. Therefore, avoid smoking before the operation and afterit
Medical information
Wewillneedyou in Istanbul for 2 visits
First visit
The doctorsseethat the best approach for the teethis by doingimplants for the upperjaw to cover the emptyspace and prepare for a new set of crowns for the
Your Hollywood smilewillbedoneusingZirconium crowns, as yourteethneedsstraightening and colour fixing, Zirconium crowns are made of Zirconium dioxide, a very durable type of metalthat’srelated to titanium, they are strong, permanent and resistcolour change
Appearance of Zirconiumallows for the perfecttoothcolouringthat best matches the patient’snaturaltoothcolour, betterthan gold or porcelain crowns.
implants (For upper and lowerjaws )
Second visit (after 4 months)
Zirconium Crowns over the implants and original teeth
Through the consultation process and picturesthatyouwillsend, our plastic surgeon and medicalteamwillanalyze the shape and projection of your body to perform the mostproper combination of operationsto acquire the mostaestheticappearancetomeetyourdemands
Operationtype:Sleeve gastrectomy
Stay in Istanbul: 8 Days – Hospital stay: 2 night
Medical information
Sleeve gastrectomyis a surgicalweight-lossprocedurethatremoves about 75% of the stomach, It leaves a narrow “sleeve” that’ssimilar in size and shape to a banana. Afterward, the amount of foodyou’re able to eat in a mealisreducedfrom the usual four to six cups to between 0.5 and 1.5 cups. Lessfoodmeansfewer calories, which leads to weightloss. Patients typically lose between 40% and 70% of theirexcess body weight in the first yearaftersurgery, depending on theirpreoperativeweight
Your surgeon will start by making four or five small incisions in yourupper abdomen. Thenthey’ll insert a small camera called a laparoscope to survey the abdomen, using the other incisions to insert smallsurgical instruments. They’llalso insert a long flexible tube (a “bougie,” in medicalspeak) as a sizer, to ensurethat an appropriateamount of stomachisleft in place
Once theyextract the tube and tools, they’ll close the incisions, and you’llbetaken to a recovery room
Through the pictures sent by yourside, werecognizethat the back area of the headabove the neck and between the ears (Donor Area) isGood and matches the conditions of hair transplant procedurewherewe can pick the requirenumber of graftsenough to cover the gaps in the front part of the headstartingfrom the front line to the center of the head or whatwe call crown area
Medical information
Hair transplantation willbedoneusing(DHI technique) to cover the lack of density in the required areas startingfrom the front line in and according to the points the doctorwill put in real-life examinationwith the patient with a local anesthesia
The number of hairfollicleunits possible to extract and transplant by the initial preview(2500~3000)hairfollicles in whichwillbeenough for the required area for head.
Maximum coverage and density are guaranteeddepending on the graftstakenfrom the donor area.
DHI is the mostpopularmethodnowadays, Direct Hair Implantation, brieflyknown as the DHI technique, individuallycollectedgrafts are placed in the planting areas with a special transplant tool, the CHOI PEN, which varies between 0.6mm and 1mm thick. For othermethods, the process isperformed at twoseparatesteps, unlike in DHI withbothextracting and implanting at the same time. Hair must becut at a certain length and the line shouldbedrown, the grafts are carefullycollectedwith no damage, afterdetermining the optimal angle and directions for transplantation foundslits are created in the area to implant in. No holes or cuts are required for thismethodunlike the previousones, this process lasts longer compared to themmakingitnecessary for the patient and doctor to be more cautious, also the priceishigher due to using multiple tools
DHI Method Benefits
. Complete shaving of the hairis not required
. Fasterrecovery
. Healthierhairbecausegrafts are taken and implanteddirectly
. Dense and lushhair due to the possibility of more root transplants
. No scarsremain
. The angle of graftsdetermined more easilythereforethey are more consistent
Services That Will Be Provided to the Client
Operation arrangements demandyourpresence in Turkey 4 days 3 nights and scheduled as follows:
Operation Details:
Through the pictures sent by yourside, werecognizethat the back area of the headabove the neck and between the ears (Donor Area), Beard and Chestdensity are good Good and matches the conditions of hair transplant procedurewherewe can pick the requirenumber of graftsenough to cover the gaps in the front part of the headstartingfrom the front line to the center of the head or whatwe call crown area.
Hair transplantation willbedoneusing (Saphire FUE technique – 2 sessions) to cover the lack of density in the required areas startingfrom the front line in and according to the points the doctorwill put in real-life examinationwith the patient with a local anesthesia
The number of hairfollicleunits possible to extract and transplant by the initial preview (2000~2500) + (up to 1000 from the Chest + Beard) hairfollicleunits in whichwillbegreat for the required area for head.
Maximum coverage and density are guaranteeddepending on the graftstakenfrom the donor area.
Sapphire FUE issimilar to the original FUE technique except for the bladethatisused in the procedure. In thismethod, a sapphirebladeisused to open channels on the scalp during the transplantation instead of a razor or steel one.
At the first stage of hair transplantation, follicles are extracted and aftertransplantedinto the channels that have been openedwith the sapphireblades. Opening the channels is the most important part of the hair transplant procedure, because of its influence on the density, angle, and direction of hairgrowth. Owing to the thinopening of sapphireblades, the grafts can bereplacedwithout contact with the outside.
The otheradvantages of sapphireblades as follows:
. Enables densergraft implantation,
. Reducedrisk of complications,
. More naturalappearance,
. Shorter recoveryperiod
Services That Will Be Provided to the Client
Operation arrangements demandyourpresence in Turkey 4 days 3 nights and scheduled as follows
The Information needed
Full Name
If you have that or anotheroperationbefore
If yousufferanypermenantillness or takepermenantmedicine
Best date to tavel and have the operation
Instructions before the surgery
thedoctor must beinformed of this and take permission to stop usingit.
J Plasma Renuvionis a non-surgicalprocedure for skin tightening. Alsoknown as J Plasma or J Plasty, the proceduretightens and refreshes loose skin without the need for invasive surgery, extendeddowntime, or large surgicalscars
J-Plasma is a minimally invasive procedurethat uses subdermal cold plasma energy to instantlytighten and rejuvenateanywhere on the face and body. There are no incisions required and the procedureprovidesresultsthat are comparable to any tummy tuck.
Through the consultation process and pictures that you will send, our plastic surgeon and medical team will analyze the shape and projection of your nose to perform the most proper operation to acquire the most aesthetic appearance tomeet your demands.
Operation type: Complex Open Rhinoplasty
Stay in Istanbul:9 Days : 8Nights including Hospital stay:1 night
Medical information
Your Rhinoplasty will be done under general anaesthesia. The aesthetic points and modifications needed will be discussed thoroughly in the actual examination in the hospital, other breathing issues will be checked up during the examination and fixed accordingly during the operation
The surgeon will start with the bridge, once your bone and cartilage have been sculpted if needed, the surgeon pulls the skin back down and stitches it along the open-rhinoplasty incision across the tissue that links the nasal tip to the nasal base, that incision is extremely hard to see, once it’s healed.
Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon will secure a cast or splint, which is worn over the nose for the next week.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
DetailedProcedural Info
How is a vaginal rejuvenationprocedureperformed
There are severalnonsurgicalenergy-baseddevicesused for vaginal rejuvenation. A labiaplastyis a surgicalprocedurethatisperformedeither in an operating room setting or an office-basedsurgical suite. It involvesremoval of excess tissue from the labia minora, labia majora or both
The excessive areas are carefullymeasured and compared for symmetry. Care istaken to avoidinjuryaroundsurrounding structures. Once the areas have been anesthetizedwith local anesthesia, the excess tissue isremoved and then the tissue isclosedusing multiple layers of dissolvablestitches. This proceduremayalsobeperformedwithother instrumentation such as lasers
What will my vaginal rejuvenation incisions and scarsbe like
For vaginoplastysurgery, the incisions are made to the mucosalwallsinside the vagina. For a labiaplasty, the incisions are made to the labia minora or majora sothatexcess tissue can beremoved
« SoniTravel Medical » Agency is interested in providing the most important and finest types of medical services to its valued clients.
« SoniTravel Medical » Agency is interested in providing the most important and finest types of medical services to its valued clients.
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Whatsapp : +216 99 474 407
« SoniTravel Medical » Agency is interested in providing the most important and finest types of medical services to its valued clients.
Siège social :37, Av Mohamed Ali. Imm. Blue Centre 1ére Etage. 1-7.-Tunisie
Landline +216 36 422 605
President of the Tunisian Society of Plastic Surgery
Dentist Doctor